Laxogenin 100 is the industry leading 100mg dose! And with Cyclosome technology with Hi Tech Pharmaceutical's tablets, you get absorption and bioavailability that wipes out the competition. This means more of the main ingredients being absorbed into the body giving you even better results than the norm!


There are two big reasons to take this product. The first is to increase your protein synthesis up to 300%! This can help with increased strength, lean muscle and recovery times. It's a natural probolic as well, so these are natural gains you will be seeing! The second is as part of your PCT. After a prohormone or probolic cycle, your cortisol levels can go very high wreaking havoc on your body and the gains you have made. With Laxogenin 100, you can help suppress these cortisol levels to help you keep more of the gains you have made!


  • Increase Performance
  • Quicker Recovery
  • Cortisol Level Suppression
  • Increase Protein Synthesis 300%
  • Natural Probolic Agent
  • No PCT Required
  • Can be Taken by Men and Women