Helios is a true one scoop serving pre-workout that is jammed pack with raw savage ingredients to turn you into and absolute savage in the gym! It takes that fierce, untamed, aggression to push you through the last reps to make you grow and  become the alpha that you have always wanted to be. It is the ferocious beings that attack every workout with the intensity needed to become the very best that one can be! Helios isn't just a PRE that will hype you up and under-perform. You will get the laser focus, untapped energy, skin tearing pumps and increase in strength that all other pre-workouts have promised they would provide! Dare to take a scoop of Helios and have zero restraints to get to the place you have always wished a pre-workout would take you!

Helios Limited Edition boasts an additional 50 mg of DMHA (2-Aminoisoheptane) and an additional 50 mg of Eria Jarensis (N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine).  Get it here.

Andrew J.
Not recommended if you are a stim junky. This did not give me any stimulation and frankly put me in a low mood.
Rodney C.
Had better!
Justin Z.
Good energy but taste and texture makes it tough to get down
Joshua S.
One of my favorites. I only take high stim, hardcore preworkout, and this fits the bill. It's not excelsior but it still works damn good.
Joao B.
Great pre. Good energy and mood elevation.
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DNM Nutra Helios

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