Each massive tub of Apollon Nutrition Hooligan provides you with either 40 or 20 servings – depending on how strong you want your pre-workout to be. Basically strong or STRONG AF. That being said, you should proceed with caution when using our new and improved formula.  Hooligan is not your average pre-workout powder – it’s an extremely potent and intense powder that cannot and will not ever be matched.

When using Hooligan, you can experience an incredible surge of energy, maximum focus to provide a powerful mind-muscle connection, a sleeve-ripping pump, as well as the ability to enhance your strength.  This is not for beginners and especially from stimulant sensitive wimps who think anything over 300mg of caffeine is strong. With some of the most effective ingredients available today, this pre-workout powder will not disappoint. 


  • Maximizes power and strength.
  • Accelerates focus and intensity.
  • Increases blood flow and performance.
  • Zero fillers.
  • 100% Transparent Label.

Discount Code

APOLLON gets you 20% off any item* from Apollon Nutrition or Anarchy Labs

*excludes protein
