NutraBio L-Carnitine is a pharmaceutical grade amino acid that is HPLC lab tested for potency and is guaranteed to be free of harmful impurities. Each 500mg vegetable capsule contains 500mg of pure L-Carnitine Tartrate with no fillers, excipients, or additives.

Though not essential itself, L-carnitine is considered conditionally essential for many people who aren't synthesizing as much as they need, such as those with angina or intermittent claudication. It plays a vital role in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria (the powerhouses of the cell) for oxidation and energy production.

Due to its fat burning role in the body, carnitine has been thought to be beneficial as a weight loss supplement and as a sports performance aid (to increase available energy and to spare glycogen). Therefore, researchers have investigated possible benefits that consuming L-carnitine could have on recovery from exercise, weight loss, and athletic performance.

L-Carnitine for Recovery

Strong evidence exists for carnitine as a recovery product. Several studies have indicated that carnitine supplementation can reduce muscle damage after exercise, even after as little as two weeks of consumption.

Both endurance and resistance exercise were utilized in the muscle damage studies, and various markers for recovery were measured, including MRI scans for muscle damage, creatine kinase (a biomarker used to measure muscle damage), and perceived soreness.

A decrease in oxidative stress was also observed with carnitine use, after both chronic and acute supplementation. The antioxidant activity could also improve recovery after strenuous exercise since exercise raises oxidative stress.

L-Carnitine for Weight Loss

Since carnitine plays such an important role in fat burning, it makes sense that people would take it for weight loss and fat loss. However, not all studies agree that carnitine promotes weight loss.

  • Four weeks of carnitine supplementation at 1 gram per day significantly increased weight loss in conjunction with a weight loss diet over the diet alone in a study of 100 obese subjects.
  • In another study, eight weeks of carnitine supplementation at 4 grams per day did not induce changes in total body mass, fat mass, or fat burning at rest in overweight women.
  • Also, taking 2 grams of carnitine before and 2 grams during a marathon run did not increase fat burning in young, healthy men.
  • However, studies in older adults and animal models have demonstrated fat loss benefits.

In all, the research suggests that carnitine can induce fat loss, but more evidence is needed to determine the precise dosage and supplementation period for fat loss in young, healthy people, and how different diets may affect the action of L-carnitine.

  • Aids transportation and conversion of fats into energy.
  • Boosts energy production and enhances endurance.
  • Supports fatty acid metabolism.
  • Increases maximal work output and exercise tolerance.
  • Supports healthy cholesterol metabolism.
  • Helps improve strength and growth of muscle.

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NutraBio L-Carnitine (500 mg)

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