WINNER of Best Weight Loss Product of the Year in’s 2021 Supp Awards. Animal Cuts Powder is the complete fat burning and cutting stack, in great tasting flavors, designed to shed fat and get your muscles ripped. Also available in convenient pill packs.

Animal Cuts is now in powder form. It is similar to the tried-and-true pill version but with a few adjustments and enhancements. A one-scoop fat burner designed to boost metabolism, expel excess water and more, Cuts Powder is the next generation.

  • All-in-One Potent Thermogenic Fat Burning Agent
  • Based around two different forms of L‑Carnitine
  • Metabolic Boosting Properties
  • Soluble in your favorite beverage and easily digested
  • Delicious tasting flavors
  • Can be used equally by women and men as their go-to weight management supplement. Good for the active gym-goer, and for the competitor-level athlete
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Universal Nutrition Animal Cuts Powder

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