Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Arimistane

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A natural compound that is a metabolite of DHEA, Arimistane™ is known as an "aromatase inhibitor." Aromatase is the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen, as an inhibitor of aromatase, Arimistane™ binds to the aromatase enzyme preventing it from converting your testosterone into estrogen. This prevents the production of excess estrogen and also results in higher testosterone levels, as by...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone

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1-Testosterone™ by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is based upon a naturally occurring metabolite for many animals including man that has properties far different from standard testosterone in the body. 1-Testosterone™ is more of a mild hormone that will give you cleaner gains and dramatic strength increases. There are three prohormones to this compound:1-androstenedione, 1-androstenediol and 1-Androsterone aka 1-androstene-3b-ol-17-one. Of the three, only...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Superdrol

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This compound is also known as Super Anadrol. It is an extremely potent known throughout the bodybuilding industry for it's strength and effectiveness. Superdrol is the most potent single-dose ever created for athletes and bodybuilders. This formula contains the highest dosages anywhere. It includes these potent ingredients all in one single dose: Androstenolone Acetate Androsterone undecanoate 4-DHEA 1-DHEA 4-Androstene-3α-ol-17-one This will...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals DecaBolin

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DecaBolin® is orally active, extremely powerful and rounds out Hi-Tech's Pro Anabolic line, offering the only legal “Nandrolone” precursor on the market. DecaBolin® converts at a high rate to its target hormone Nandrolone and is better than testosterone for building mass and strength as it produces fewer side effects. It's effectiveness at the androgen receptor of muscle tissue is superior...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Anavar

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Anavar® is the gateway to accelerating and enhancing post-training recovery, hyper-activating protein synthesis, remarkably accentuating muscular endurance, developing way freaky muscular pumps, and laying the foundation for rock-hard muscle density! Anavar® is the perfect fusion of nutraceutical science technology with breakthrough anabolic bodybuilding compounds!

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halodrol

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Halodrol™ is the evolution and natural progression of unquestionably the most successful prohormone product of all time in the supplement industry. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals commissioned the brightest minds in the supplement industry to develop a suitable replacement for this very popular product that would yield results qualitatively and quantitatively similar to the old, Halodrol™. What Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has created is quite...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Androdiol

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We all know testosterone plays a key role in building muscle, so many of us try to boost our test levels... well Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals takes a different approach to that.  Surplus your testosterone with Androdiol! Androdiol's key ingredient 4-DHEA converts into testosterone, so instead of trying to boost your production, Androdiol just skips that process and straight gives your body...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Laxogenin-100

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  Laxogenin 100 is the industry leading 100mg dose! And with Cyclosome technology with Hi Tech Pharmaceutical's tablets, you get absorption and bioavailability that wipes out the competition. This means more of the main ingredients being absorbed into the body giving you even better results than the norm! WHY TAKE LAXOGENIN 100?  There are two big reasons to take this...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Dianabol

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Anabolic, anti-catabolic, anti-proteolytic, protein-sparing... These are terms that describe the state of protein affairs in muscle. The bodybuilding community likes to define anabolic compounds as those which increase amino acid shuttling into muscle and increase protein synthesis. Likewise, anti-catabolic, or anti-proteolytic (the more specifically correct term) compounds are defined as those which decrease amino acid shuttling out of muscle (also...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Bulasterone

$29.95 - $49.95
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This is the cutting edge testosterone booster from Hi Tech to help you increase muscle mass and strength beyond anything you have experienced in the past. Bulasterone™ uses a formulation of several cutting edge ingredients to help activate the muscle building pathways that lead to all day anabolism. This means more muscle growth and strength from day one of taking...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-AD

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1-AD® by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is based upon a naturally occurring metabolite for many animals including man that has properties far different from standard testosterone in the body. In January 2005 the supplement industry witnessed the banning of the best natural legal hormonal products ever produced. We are referring to the 1-Test & 1-AD family of supplements. These "delta-ones" (as they...

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Winstrol

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Winstrol® is the brand name of the most potent anabolic made for lean muscle gains. Winstrol® will cause increased hardness and vascularity almost immediately upon usage. Winstrol® isn’t converted into estrogen, therefore you can take higher daily doses of Winstrol® compared to other anabolics and not run into any of the side effects of excess estrogen. This is why Winstrol®...